Road trip: Day 23

Brett woke up feeling much better today.  Phew!

Hung out by the pool most of the day.  We can sum up the afternoon in four words.  Read.  Sleep.  Swim.  Repeat.

Tonight we went to dinner with long time Cabo friends, Ricardo and Susie, as well as new Cabo friends, Dave, Stacia, and Marcia, that we just met this week.  We went to an authentic Mexican restaurant where we had to figure out what most of the menu was.  For the most part, it was good, but very spicy.   I must admit though that there were a few things brought to the table where I was thinking "glad that one's not mine"!

Got back to the hotel and we all got ice cream.  Some needed it more for cooling their bellies after the spicy meal than for the actual flavor:-)

Forgot to get a picture of the gang at dinner, but here's the smaller gang after dessert.

Still waiting to see if Marsha's mysterious roommate actually exists.  It's been two days and we're beginning to think he's really just her imaginary friend.

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