Road trip: Day 42

We left Yellowstone this morning and was cold!  

Poor Brett, the heater that we were using to keep his feet warm started blowing the fuses yesterday so we had to stop using it.  Luckily, I was able to find him some feet warmers that he could put in his shoes.  To keep the upper part of him warm, he kept turning up the heat on my side of the car.  His side was still cool and I was dropping layers of clothes like crazy. He claimed I'm now going through "the change".  Of course, it had nothing to do with the fact that he had my thermostat set at 90!  It felt good to open the window every now and then!

Driving  this part of Montana was monotonous.  These pictures were over a hundred miles apart.  And yet it still looks the same.  

Tonight we're staying in Medora, ND, home of the Theodore Roosevelt National Park.  

We've only been here a few hours, but we've had another blessing!  We planned on coming through this way last summer and booked some activities, but ended up having to cancel.  Unfortunately, we couldn't get a refund, but were issued a gift card that's good at several hotels, restaurants and shops.  When we changed our route on this trip and realized we'd be coming through Medora, we had a friend go to our house and mail us the gift card, figuring we could finally use it.  When we called to make reservations, we learned that only one hotel is open and none of the shops or restaurants are open this time of year.  We were bummed as we have about $350 and the room is less than $100.  Here's where the blessing comes in.  Tonight as we drove into town, we saw the lights on at the Rough Rider Gift Shop.  I knocked on the window and the lady was there doing inventory and when I told her the story about the gift card, she said she will be back at 8am and if we can come in then, we can shop! Woo Hoo!  What a sweetheart!  

We went to the local grill for burgers and now it's time to settle into to our toasty warm room and watch  Downton Abbey on  

Life is good! 

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