We got a Wii!

Okay, I have to admit, I never would have thought that we would purchase a Wii, but now that we have.....it's addicting! And don't our Mii's look cute:-)

What a blast to be able to play tennis in your living room and when you start to get all hot & sweaty, you just turn up the a/c. Humidity- what's that? I think I can get used to this. And bowling....well, let's just say the competition is on. Brett & I have a bowlathon just about every night.

Now we can't wait to get the Wii fit and Rock Band, but let's just say that July was a very fun (ie. $$) month, so we're going to have to wait until September. Hey, hopefully by then, I'll have my gold medal in tennis, have beat Brett's high bowling score of 238 and be ready for our next challenge.

Maybe this is a sort of mid life crisis? Seeing how it is the first video game we've owned since playing pong on Atari and at that time, I was still sharing a bedroom with my little brother. But who cares? I mean even if it is, it's a heck of a lot better than seeing Brett drive through town with his shirt off in a new corvette!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Karen :) It's Kim Funk aka "Kim from Roberts"! Found your blog through your sister - email me! kfunkcreates@sbcglobal.net

    Fun blog :)
