Tornado damage in Alabama

As most everyone across the United States knows, the south was hit by the 2nd deadliest spawn of tornado's in recorded history. Today we headed south to help our neighbors in need. There's not a lot to say, so we'll let the pictures do the talking. These are a home we worked at in Madison Co, AL.

Side of house.
Backyard looking at neighbors.
Looking across the street

Front of house. The car on the right did not belong to the homeowner. It was originally parked down the street.
Neighbors house. Apparently they have a good sense of humor. If you look close enough, you'll see they spray painted "For Sale. Fixer Upper. Cheap." on the front of the house.

I surprised somebody!

...or rather I'm in the process of surprising someone. You're going to have to take my word on this one as I can't post it on here for obvious reasons. Oh, but I wish I could!!

This, that and the other

It's been over a month since my last update, so I need to remember what I've done. It's gonna be a quick update, but I need to blog! A couple of those weeks, I was out of commission from being sick and then having an allergic reaction to amoxicillin, but I'm trying to forget about that.

  • In March, we had a date night with dinner and a Predators game. The plan was to go to two more Preds games in April, but sickness hit the house and that didn' happen..
  • Sips & Strokes with friends.
  • We had a pregnant cat show up and decide this was her new home. So we now have 5 very cute kittens....but they need homes!
  • Cooking class at Viking. Will definitely do that again. Very small classes of only 6 people, so it's very intimate and you can learn a lot. The class I attended was Gluten Free Gourmet. Some of the delicious stuff we made...crusty bread, fettucine with zucchini and parmesan(I'd never made homemade pasta before, much less gluten-free) and ganache filled cupcakes with vanilla buttercream. Tons of fun!!!
  • 5 pounds down, so making progress on that goal as well.